Clothing and homeware brand Joules has shut its shop in Tenby town centre.

The shut down of the Tudor Square store at close of trading today, Saturday February 18, comes just months after the chain went into administration.

On December 1 it was announced that the company would be closing 19 of its 124 stores – including St Davids and Carmarthen.

At the time, other shops were kept open to see how trading was going.

But in common with many other of the remaining Joules storers up and down the UK, a notice appeared in the Tenby shop window saying that it too would be shutting.

The closure is the second to hit the Tenby high street this month.

Only a couple of weeks ago, it was announced that another clothing retailer, M&Co, will be leaving its store in the town by Easter.


It followed a buy-out of the M&Co company - but not its shops - by the Yours clothing brand.


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