There is something to nurture the mind, body and spirit at St Davids Festiva of Ideas next month.

The festival’s aim is to get people thinking and talking about big ideas around society, culture and nature, to take away and put into action.

This year’s festival will see talks on everyday nuisances, the climate crisis, Welsh identity, the menopause and second homes.

Criminologist Professor Tim Newburn, whose book is about those everyday problems that we all have to deal with, from dog fouling to double parking, will give a fascinating talk.

Llewelyn Hopwood will be talking about Tolkien and the sound of Welsh - the Elfish language in Lord of the Rings is actually based on Welsh.

Jane Davidson, former future generations commissioner, has a session on Wales as a net zero nation, while First Minister Mark Drakeford is giving a keynote about the future of our country.

Simon Brooks, author of the independent report about second homes, will talking about their effect, and a great session about rethinking the climate crisis with the CEO of the Earthshot Prize, Hannah Jones.


With other talks about the menopause, education, poetry and the cost of living, there’s something for everyone.

Clwb, at St Davids Rugby Club, is hosting live music and DJs and the local Peninsula Producers are doing a Foodie Fringe, with tasters of their delicious food.

There will also be great meals by the Really Wild Emporium, including a six-course meal by Carwyn Graves, Welsh food writer and chef.

The festival starts on the afternoon of Friday, March 24 and ends with live music on Sunday afternoon. See the website, linked above, for information about tickets and times.


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