The Haverfordwest branch of Specsavers chose local hospice at home provider, the Paul Sartori Foundation, as its charity partner for 2022.

The store's community champion, Kaitlynne Cutajar, organised a craft fair at Haverhub in November, while branch customers were also asked to leave a donation when they had glasses repaired.

As a result, £625 was raised to help the hospice at home service to be delivered throughout Pembrokeshire.

The charity was chosen because it is local and supports the community, and also is very close to people's hearts, said Kaitlynne.

She added: "Paul Sartori Foundation is Pembrokeshire’s only hospice at home Service, and the charity goes above and beyond to provide care to those who really need it.” 

Paul Sartori Hospice at Home provides a range of services to Pembrokeshire people living in the final stages of a life-limiting illness, including home nursing care, equipment loan, complementary therapy, bereavement and counselling support, under 18s anticipatory grief and bereavement support, physiotherapy, advance care planning and training.


The services provided by the Paul Sartori Hospice at Home enable people in the later stages of any life-limiting illness to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence, pain free and surrounded by those they hold most dear, if that is their wish.

All of the services are free of charge and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, thanks to the generosity of the Pembrokeshire community.

For more informationon the charity and its services, visit, or phone 01437 763223.


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