A pioneering floating wind project off the Pembrokeshire coastline which will provide enough low carbon energy to power 93,000 homes has secured a marine licence.

Erebus, Wales’ first planned floating windfarm is located approximately 40km off the coast, and will house seven next generation 14MW turbines on floating platforms.

Blue Gem Wind, the joint venture between TotalEnergies, one of the world’s largest energy companies, and Simply Blue Group, secured the licence for a 100MW project.   

Working with OWC, MarineSpace, ITPEnergised and Burges Salmon, and following a comprehensive environmental impact assessment process, Blue Gem Wind was granted the marine licence for the Erebus project on February 17.  

Mike Scott, Project Managing Director at Blue Gem Wind, said: “We welcome the decision from Natural Resources Wales to grant the marine licence for Erebus.

"The project, which will be the first floating wind farm in Wales, will play a crucial role in advancing the deployment of what will become a globally important low carbon technology.”

Erebus, named after the famous ship built in 1826 in Pembroke Dock, is due to be commissioned in 2026, and marks the start of Blue Gem Wind’s stepping stone approach to floating wind development in the Celtic Sea.

Sean Evans, Consenting Manager, Blue Gem Wind, said: “We have been working with Natural Resources Wales and other key stakeholders since 2019 to develop a test and demonstration scale project that balances the need for low carbon energy with that of the natural environment, and minimises impacts to local communities and stakeholders.

"We are delighted to have achieved this milestone for the project.”

David TC Davies, Secretary of State for Wales, said Wales has the potential to be a world leader in offshore wind energy, and floating technology is key to unlocking the full potential of coastlines as it generates economic growth and highly-skilled jobs.

"The UK Government is investing in this sector which will help us achieve our net zero ambitions as well as playing an important role in providing secure sources of energy," he said.

"This latest milestone for Blue Gem is a positive step forward for this expanding sector in Wales.”

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