PEOPLE are being urged to avoid dropping food waste amid concerns that 'rats the size of cats' are making cliffs above Tenby's beaches unstable.

The town made national headlines last week as video footage emerged on social media of large numbers of 'giant' rodents borrowing into the rocks on Castle Hill.

Residents said the problem had been been getting worse in recent months, and Pembrokeshire council urged people not to feed birds or drop food.

The council has said specialist staff were examining the cliffs where the rats are thought to be nesting, and it has been noted that a certain part of the cliff has eroded.

Signs could also be erected at certain points to remind people not to feed birds, it has been suggested, with large rodents being reported in the town centre as well.

“We are aware of issues with rodents and the need of additional baiting points, and are working to address this concern," said a Pembrokeshire council spokesperson.

"We are using specialist staff to address the access to the cliff face: this may also allow us regular access for the future as well.

"In the meantime, we advise against anyone feeding the birds and dropping food waste - and in the first instance we are considering additional signage to reinforce this message.”

A Facebook reel posted by Joe Thomas went viral last week, showing the large rodents running around the cliffs above Castle Beach, scrambling from hole to hole within the rocks.

It has now been viewed over 3,300 times, with Mr Thomas commenting: "If you look at it from the seaward side, you can see the foundations of the wall are exposed."

Mayor Sam Skyrme-Blackhall commented on the post, saying there were issues with people throwing food to birds, and the depositing of the wrong waste in public bins.

Local councillor Michael Williams said he had passed on his concerns of "a considerable rodent infestation" tunelling at Castle Hill to the relevant council department.

Residents have also reported a similar situation at the council gardens overlooking North Beach, as well as parts of the Paragon above South Beach, and it has been described as "a worsening problem in recent months."

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