A £1,000 donation from the local Women's Institute has paid for personalised training tops and t-shirts for Kilgetty AFC Women's team.

The generous donation was given to the club last year, and the growing women's team were pleased to receive their training wear, presented to them by Kilgetty WI's vice-president Anne Pugh, secretary Helen Clarke and president Kath Breen.

Kilgetty Women wore their new training wear before kicking off their home game against Milford Ladies.

"Having our new football kit sponsored by Just Eat earlier this year helped us to identify as a team. Now we have our new training wear which helps us get match ready, it looks and feels great." said one of the players.

"The team are thankful to the Women’s Institute for sponsoring us with their generous donation." 

For information visit www.kilgettyafc.co.uk 


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