A dog which took a night-time tumble off a Pembrokeshire cliff was brought to safety by coastguards.

Fishguard and St Davids Coastguard were paged at 10.30pm on Saturday, March 11, to go to the rescue of the dog which had gone over the cliff at Porthgain.

Both teams quickly arrived on scene and met the dog owner who pointed out the dog's location.

Western Telegraph: One of the coastguard team members abseils down the cliff at Porthgain.One of the coastguard team members abseils down the cliff at Porthgain. (Image: HM Coastguard Fishguard)

HM Coastguard Fishguard posted: " A rope rescue set up was quickly put in place on the cliff top and a technician was able to abseil down to the dog to secure it in a animal rescue bag before being hauled back up to be reunited with its owners.

"The teams were able to pack up, debrief and return to their stations by 01:30.

"Always keep your dogs on leads when on the cliff path - even the best behaved dogs have off days."


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