Women working for Pembrokeshire County Council earn less than their male colleagues, according to recent figures.

Employers with 250 or more workers must publish figures on differences in pay between their employees through the government's gender pay gap service.

Most local authorities in England and Wales have submitted figures for the year to March 2022.

The figures show the median hourly salary for women at Pembrokeshire County Council was 4.6 per cent less than for men in the year to March 2022.

Of the 307 councils that provided data for 2021-22, the average local authority paid women 3 per cent less than their male colleagues.

The Pembrokeshire figures show that the gap may be closing slowly, in the year to March 2021 women earnt 6.4 per cent less than men at the organisation.

Around a third of councils have already submitted their figures for the latest financial year, although Pembrokeshire Council has still to do so.


The data already received for 2022-23 puts the pay gap at around 2.9 per cent – although this is only based on figures from 119 councils.

Jemima Olchawski, chief executive of the Fawcett Society, which campaigns for women's rights, said: "While it's an important step, gender pay gap reporting isn't a solution on its own.

"As these figures show, there is a gulf between the best-performing and the worst-performing local authorities."

Across England and Wales, 12 councils reported a gender pay gap of more than 20 per cent in 2021-22.

Meanwhile, 88 other councils paid women more than men – with Three Rivers District Council in Hertfordshire reporting a 45 per cent difference.

The number of outsourced employees and differences in the services provided by each council is like to play a role in the variation between them.

Ms Olchawski urged employers to publish plans on how to tackle their pay gaps, recommending that local authorities share knowledge with those that ‘need to up their game’.

The Local Government Information Unit said councils are moving in the right direction on the gender pay gap – but added there is ‘more work to be done’, particularly in senior positions.

Jonathan Carr-West, the organisation's chief executive, said: “Just 22 per cent of council leaders are women and only 33 per cent of council chief executives.

“With women making up 78 per cent of the workforce across local government, this can have knock on effects across service areas as well as impacting development opportunities for women at all levels,” he added.



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