A noisy neighbour who ignored a total of seven noise abatement notices issued by Pembrokeshire County Council must pay more that £1,000 in fines and costs.

Rebecca Thomas was warned by the council to keep the noise down at her Hakin home on 14 occasions between July and December last year.

On half of these occasions loud music or television and arguing, at such a volume and level so as to give rise to a noise nuisance, continued.


Thomas, 32, of Waterloo Square, Hakin, admitted seven counts of contravening or failing to comply with a council-issued noise abatement notice when she appeared at Haverfordwest Magistrates Court earlier this month.

A further seven charges were withdrawn.

Thomas was ordered to pay a £100 fine for each of the seven charges. She must also pay costs of £100 and a victim surcharge of £280.

Magistrates took her guilty plea into account when imposing sentence.

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The total of £1.080 must be paid by Thomas by April 6 this year.