Seven Pembrokeshire firefighters will be putting their skills to the test at the Welsh Firefighter Challenge this summer.

The regional leg of the British Firefighter Challenge will take place in Swansea.

Representing Pembrokeshire on the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service team will be Narberth firefighters Dominic Norcross, Tim Frost and Chris Walker as well as Haverfordwest crew members Lee Rees, Haydn Ralph, Nina Bishop, James Sheen.

The super seven have precedent in the competition; they all competed last year in the British Firefighter Challenge in Hull where the team came second.

The Welsh Firefighter Challenge, which will take place on June 3 in Swansea, is a set of tough physical and mental tests designed to showcase the skills and strength of firefighters, undertaken in full structural fire kit.


The challenge isn’t just a day for firefighters to test their strength, endurance and skills, it’s also an opportunity to come together as a community, to support and celebrate each other’s achievements and to highlight their continued professionalism and dedication in keeping their communities safe.

As well as providing a day of entertainment for firefighters and spectators, the challenge will also be raising important funds for The Fire Fighters Charity, which offers specialist and lifelong support for members of the fire services community throughout the UK.

Watch Manager Dominic Norcross, one of the challenge’s main organisers, said: “This will be a fantastic day for firefighters across Wales and further afield to get together and to enjoy some friendly competition.

"We currently have firefighters from Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany registered to compete on the day and we look forward to welcoming them all.”

The Welsh Firefighter Challenge 2023 is open to current and retired firefighters and will take place in Castle Square, Swansea. The first race will start at 10am.


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