A special event on the history of Cardigan Castle is taking place there next week.

It showcases the partnership between Adult Learning Wales and the Cadwgan Building Preservation Trust.

The new Heritage Curriculum will be celebrated during a one-day local history taster session at Cardigan Castle, led by archaeologist and Curriculum Development Coordinator Dr Jemma Bezant.

The session, Cardigan Castle: Historic Buildings Day, runs between 10-3pm on Thursday, May 25, and “is the perfect opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of the town, and discover the fascinating history of its historic buildings,” said Dr Bezant.

“Visiting the iconic Cardigan Castle, the Guildhall, St Mary's Church and others, attendees will learn about the significance of these structures in Welsh history.

“This taster session is just the beginning of an exciting series of courses that will delve deeper into the fascinating world of heritage and architecture.

“Current Adult Learning Wales learners have recently been involved as volunteers on an exciting archaeological survey at the castle and are eagerly awaiting the results of that survey looking for the location of a lost medieval hall within the castle grounds.”

Adult Learning Wales and the Cadwgan Building Preservation Trust said they are “proud to collaborate in preserving the cultural heritage of this charming town”.

Jonathan Thomas, director of the Cadwgan Building Preservation Trust: “Adult Learning Wales have provided the opportunity to turn the learning opportunities presented by the Castle into more formal and valuable learning.

“Once of the Trust’s main aims is to educate the public and being able to host courses which are directly related to the castle is of real added value.

“Further, it helps increase awareness and interest in our local history both inside and outside of the castle walls which can only be a valuable thing for the town and local community in a place so rich with heritage.”

To enrol on the Historic Buildings Day, please contact Jemma on jemma.bezant@adultlearning.wales or search courses at Adult Learning Wales