A WELSH charity is warning that reducing bus services will lead to loneliness and isolation amongst older people.

Age Cymru is urging the Welsh Government, local authorities and bus operators to work together to develop sustainable services for communities across Wales after reports that up to a quarter of bus services in Wales could be cut.

The reports come from the Confederation of Public Transport, and lead to the warning from Age Cymru that some of the nation’s already isolated individuals, particularly in rural areas, could become even more isolated.

Age Cymru stated that the bus services provide a lifeline to thousands of older people in Wales and drastic cuts could leave many leading a lonely and isolated life.

Many older people need a reliable bus service to attend hospital or GP appointments, go shopping for food, access cash and pay bills as well as visiting family and friends or going out to be able to socialise, including visiting day centres, lunch clubs and places of worship.

One elderly resident in Wales told Age Cymru: “Bus services have been cut since I moved here. I had a two-minute walk to catch a bus that took me into town in 12 minutes. Now that bus has been cut altogether. With walking problems this limits travel considerably.”

Another said: “I don’t know how to get to my hospital appointments because I no longer drive, and there are only two buses from my village a day.”

For many older people, cars are not an option and taxis can be too expensive to use regularly. This leaves the buses as a crucial lifeline.

Victoria Lloyd, chief executive of Age Cymru, said: “The impact of poor public transport on the lives of older people can be profound.

"It increases isolation and loneliness and reduces opportunities to socialise or join groups and activities, which is particularly important after the isolation of covid-19 which has disproportionately affected older people.

“We want operators, local authorities, and the Welsh Government to work together to find a sustainable solution to ensure that people can go about their daily lives getting out and about in the community.

"Older people are some of those most impacted by the cuts to public bus services; their needs should be considered, and their voices heard in any decisions that are taken.”

For advice and support on a wide range of issues affecting older people, visit www.agecymru.org.uk or call 02920 431555.