Burnett’s Hill Chapel near Martletwy brings its 2023 concert season to an end on Friday, October 13 with a visit from Brittany-based folk trio The Churchfitters.

Best described as ‘a folk band like no other’, The Churchfitters comprise three virtuoso musicians from England and Brittany who strut their stuff on a stage that bristles with instruments - from fiddle, sax, banjo, dulcimer, tin whistle and ukulele, to the more exotic electric hub-cap bouzouki and musical saw.

With this wide range of instruments, they give their own unique twist to traditional songs and tunes from England, Britanny and Ireland, with a few of their own songs added to the entertaining mix.

The trio are visiting Pembrokeshire on their latest UK tour, the Welsh leg of which features the contrasting venues of St David’s Hall in Cardiff and the rather more intimate setting of Burnett’s Hill Chapel.

To book tickets for the concert, which starts at 7.30pm, ring 01616 651725.