CONCERNS of bullying have been raised at a Pembrokeshire school after videos showing pupils fighting were shared on social media.

Worried parents of children at Milford Haven Comprehensive School were said to have been 'appalled' at behaviour by pupils at the school towards their children.

The mums, who did not want to be named to protect their children, described a number of worrying incidents at the school leaving their children upset, with some refusing to go back to school.

One of the mums has already pulled her children from the school due to bullying.

While another mum said: “My son said there’s fighting every day.”

The Western Telegraph was told by one parent how her son was attacked recently, and the assault was said to have been recorded and sent around on social channel Snapchat.

“I’ve seen some messages and the video and it’s heartbreaking,” she said. The mum said that this incident had recently been ‘dealt with’.

The parents all believe that the use of phones and social media has been a major factor in this being such a problem and that the situation, and their concerns, have not been handled well by the school.

They said that the fights and attacks were being shared in social media groups and among pupils in the school. The videos have been reported to Instagram, who has failed to take them down. 

The Western Telegraph has seen some of the Snapchat messages where the children are actively encouraging that more 'fighting' videos are submitted and children are seen laughing at those being hurt.

It has raised the question of why children are allowed to have their phones on in school, where previous policies have stated phones are to be stored away unless in an emergency.

One of the mums said: “I find they promise the world to the kids to stop it, but when it comes down to it, it’s fake promises.”

“It’s like they have no authority over these children,” said another.

The parents said that they are scared to send their children to school because they are worried about what will happen to them.

Headteacher Mrs Morris sent a letter to parents last week responding to the inappropriate use of social media. It said: “Most recently I am concerned about groups on Snapchat and Instagram that have been created by pupils to showcase physical bullying on and off school site."

Western Telegraph:

She said that the school is trying to shut these pages down and that significant sanctions are in place for where incidents occur under its positive engagement policy. 

The letter added: "In order for us to minimise these groups resurfacing we must ask for parents and carers continued support in educating our young people on the importance of kindness both on social media and in everyday life."