THE so-called ‘Battle of Tremain’ has escalated after a self-confessed ‘land pirate’ accused a local farming couple of attempting to block a crucial hearing to decide ownership of a contested plot of land.

Squatter Neil Parker has been occupying the land – which borders the A487 trunk road at Tremain, near Penparc – since April 2022.

The former Bronglais Hospital nurse is claiming adverse possession for land he says has been abandoned and has vowed to stay put for the 12 years required by the Land Registry in order to claim full ownership.

But his actions have enraged farmer Kevin Edwards and his wife, Janet, who maintain they are the rightful owners of a plot bequeathed to Mrs Edwards by her late grandfather.

In the latest twist, Mr Parker has now claimed Mr and Mrs Edwards have sought to delay a land tribunal which will decide on the case.

“They applied for a delay on the basis they intend to take me to the county court for possession, legal costs and a couple of other nonsense issues,” he said.

“I was given the opportunity to object, which I did. I want this before the tribunal so it can be properly sorted out.

“They then asked for a two-week extension as the expert apparently helping to build their case was on holiday over half-term.

“This is complete nonsense – it’ll be ‘my dog ate the case file’ next.”

The farmer has in the past positioned bales of rotting silage around the site in an unsuccessful attempt to keep Mr Parker out.

Mr Parker blames Mr Edwards for what he maintains is criminal damage to his caravan.

Western Telegraph: Angry: Farmer Kevin Edwards is determined to get Mr Parker evicted.Angry: Farmer Kevin Edwards is determined to get Mr Parker evicted. (Image: Supplied)

Mr Edwards, of Palle Farm, Llantood, told the Tivyside this week that the matter had already cost him £4,000 in legal fees. He confirmed that he and his wife had launched a legal bid to force Mr Parker’s eviction.

“My wife is a strong girl, but this business has had a really bad effect on her,” he said.

“That land is not even worth much – you cannot build on it and there’s not much soil. I used to keep calves and pigs down there.

“I thought this chap was waiting for us to offer him some money to leave – now I think he’s just trying to prove a point.

“He also had the cheek to claim we’ve damaged his caravan when we’ve done no such thing.

“We have deeds and the will of my wife’s grandfather proving it belongs to us, but the land isn’t registered.”

Mr Parker said he will leave if the couple can provide proof of ownership.

“The fact that I remain is clearly an indication that there remains no legitimate owner,” he added.