POTENTIAL changes to urgent and emergency children and young people’s services in hospitals in west Wales will now be considered after an independent report.

Hywel Dda University Health Board has received the final independent evaluation report in relation to changes to the paediatric services at Glangwili and Withybush hospitals.

Temporary changes were made to paediatric services in 2016 and the health board needs to find a longer-term solution which will be in place until the proposed new urgent and planned care hospital is developed.

A consultation was held between May 26 and August 24, 2023, and a report was commissioned from and written by Opinion Research Services (ORS) from the responses in the consultation.

Respondents to the consultation were asked to consider three options for changes to the current services provided at Withybush and Glangwili but at this stage, there is no preferred option for how urgent and emergency paediatric services will be delivered in the future.

Professor Phil Kloer, the health board’s executive medical director and deputy chief executive officer, said: “For all three options, it is important to note that access to children’s emergency care will be retained at Glangwili Hospital’s emergency department, and minor injuries for children will continue to be treated at both Withybush and Glangwili Hospitals.

“Also, systems are already in place to ensure that any child or young person with critical conditions arriving at Withybush Hospital has the best care available and in the most appropriate place. This will continue as part of the new service.”

The final report from the ORS and the output of the conscientious consideration process – held by a number of stakeholder groups who read the report and the evidence and relevant information to provide their responses – as well as the technical and commercial reports will be discussed at a meeting of the board at 9.30am on Thursday, November 30. During this, the board members will be asked to conscientiously consider the key findings from the ORS report and the findings from the stakeholder groups’ own considerations, to then make a decision on which option to continue with.

Lee Davies, the health board’s executive director of strategy and planning, said: “The health board would like to thank the community, staff, partner organisations and everyone that took the time to meet with us and share their views during this consultation process.

“The board looks forward to the next steps in the consultation process as it considers all the feedback received.”

The meeting will be available for public viewing as well as the board papers that will be discussed. This can all be found at https://hduhb.nhs.wales/about-us/your-health-board/board-meetings-2023/board-agenda-and-papers-30-november-20232.