PEMBROKESHIRE residents can get involved in helping a panto dame find her bloomers!

Good Fairy Gertrude’s preparations for opening night of the Torch Theatre’s panto Beauty and the Beast have been hampered as she’s mislaid her bloomers!

The larger-than-life character will be out and about across Milford Haven next week on the hunt for her bloomers.

The dame needs your help though to find her bloomers! If you spot them out and about, take a photo and tag the Torch Theatre on Facebook.

Jordan Dickin, the theatre’s executive assistant, has been helping the Good Fairy Gertrude with her search. Jordan said: “We’ve searched high and low for the bloomers – from the box office to the Torch café and the Joanna Field Gallery to the auditorium, but to no avail.

“Obviously, they’ve gone further afield and that is why we really need your help. They could have been trodden underfoot or blown away in the recent storms, we’ve no idea and need you wonderful, willing Pembrokeshire people to help.”

Clues to the location of the bloomers will be put on the Torch Theatre’s Facebook page in the coming days and weeks but keep an eye out on our travels as one of the people who snap the picture of the bloomers and tags the Torch on Facebook will be chosen at random to win a family ticket to the panto!

Beauty and the Beast will bring the tale as old as time to life at the Torch Theatre between Friday, December 15 to Sunday, December 31. There will be a relaxed environment performance at 2pm on Saturday, December 16 and a BSL interpreted performance at 6pm on Tuesday, December 19.

Tickets cost £22.50 for adults, £19 for concessions and £70 for a family tickets. Torch members will get 25 per cent off up to four tickets. Tickets can be bought at or by calling 01646 695267.