A PEMBROKESHIRE man has denied assaulting and strangling a woman, but has admitted damaging her phone.

John Turkson, 28, of Stranraer Road in Pennar, Pembroke Dock, appeared in the dock at Swansea Crown Court on December 6 facing three charges.

Turkson is alleged to have assaulted and strangled a woman on June 14. He was also accused of smashing the woman’s mobile phone on that date.

He pleaded not guilty to battery and intentional strangulation, but pleaded guilty to criminal damage.

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Defence counsel Jon Tarrant said Turkson accepted there had been “an argument”, but said his actions were in self-defence – claiming the complainant was the aggressor.

Brian Simpson said the Crown Prosecution Service would seek a trial, and did not accept the not guilty pleas.

Judge Catherine Richards set a trial date of April 2, and granted Turkson bail until that date.