A DRUGS courier found with cocaine worth up to an estimated £5,350 has avoided a prison sentence.

Mark Edwards was stopped by police on the A40 near Narberth at around 8pm on June 16, 2021. When officers approached the car, he told them that he had cocaine in the vehicle.

They discovered 96.95 grams of cocaine in the car, which had a potential street value of between £4,280 and £5,350, prosecutor Hannah George said.

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In his police interview, Edwards said he used the cocaine as “pain management” and bought it in large quantities “as it saved him travelling and would last him four to five months”, Ms George told the court.

Two mobile phones belonging to the defendant were seized, but there was “nothing of significance” on either device.

Edwards, 55, of Murray Road in Milford Haven, has 15 previous convictions for 28 offences – many of which were drug-related, Ms George said.

He pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply a cocaine.

Jon Tarrant, defending, said that Edwards was not planning to deal the drugs, but was instead a courier, adding that there was an absence of evidence to support the case that the defendant was anything more.

He said Edwards had acted due to his pressure being exerted on him due to his debts.

“The defendant is the author of many of his misfortunes,” Mr Tarrant admitted.

He added that it had been more than two years since the offence, and that Edwards had been seeking help from drug agencies and with his mental health.

Judge Catherine Richards said she was unable to send Edwards to prison because of the delay in the case coming to court. She sentenced the defendant to two years imprisonment, suspended for two years.