A Pembrokeshire  sporting club's weekly draw has reached a landmark in its history.

The announcement of the Otters Weekly Jackpot has been a popular Friday-night event for Narberth RFC's members and supporters since May 2020, when it began its life as a 'lockdown lottery' to boost club funds.

Since that time, the draw has gained nearly 500 members, with weekly payouts to winners now exceeding £600.

Last Friday was a significant milestone for the Jackpot, as the total payout figure has now passed £100,000.

This has been shared by 160 lucky winners who include former and current players, club members, and supporters and friends of the club from the Narberth area and beyond.

Last Friday's winner was Tim Phillips, a former player and long time supporter of the club.

He won a new record weekly payout of £618.75 in the draw, which now has 493 names.

Anyone can join the draw, and and if you are interested, contact Robin Probert on 07772 259980 or pop into the club and see a member of staff.

Numbers cost £2.50 and the minimum entry point is £20 which buys eight weekly draws.