THERE will be free workshops held at a Pembrokeshire theatre for women aged over 65.

The Torch Theatre in Milford Haven will be hosting free theatrical storytelling workshops for any woman aged 65 or over who wants to tell a story or bring a story to life.

The workshops are led by Complicité, an internationally renowned theatre company. Any women aged 65 or over can join, whether they have previous experience in performing arts or not.

During the workshops – which are welcoming and similar to the Torch’s A Warm Space sessions – Complicité will help bring stories to the stage and will explore themes of invisibility and rebellion centred on women who are frustrated by the state of the world and what to have their voices and opinions heard.

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Tim Howe, Torch’s senior manager youth and community, said “We know that older members of our community have been disproportionately affected by the covid-19 pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis.

“We hope that these creative theatrical storytelling workshops and A Warm Space will offer an escape from the cold wintery days and allow you to have the opportunity to get creative as well as experiencing Torch Theatre’s truly unique brand of hospitality.”

Complicité’s Rima Dodd said: “We are so pleased to be taking our Rebel Voices project to Wales and to be partnering with Torch Theatre to reach their community.

“Complicité’s engagement work focuses on celebrating and nurturing the creativity of the participants and we can’t wait to hear the stories and perspectives shared in the room, and to work with the group to give them a theatrical life.”

Complicité is looking to work with six to 10 women in a group, so booking for the free workshops is essential.

The sessions take place weekly on a Thursday morning (for four weeks) and will be led through the medium of English but group work in Welsh will be welcomed and encouraged.

Complicité’s Theatrical Storytelling Workshop will be held at the Torch Theatre on Thursday, February 29 between 12pm and 2pm, with further sessions between 12pm and 3pm on Thursday, March 7, 14, and 21. To book or find out more, visit or call 01646 695267.