A Pembrokeshire resident has shown that you can get guidance in returning to work at any age with support from Careers Wales.

Among the numerous people that Careers Wales, a Welsh Government-backed programme has helped, is Kim Martakie, a 57-year-old woman who moved to west Wales with her family in 2022, with an initial plan of her not working.

Ms Martakie said: "I wanted to get out and about and interact with people more.

"I wanted something in the community that was interesting and had some autonomy."

However, she soon realised that she wasn't entirely sure of her next steps and turned to her local job centre, before being passed to Careers Wales for guidance.

Careers Wales assigned Ms Martakie to careers advisor Lara Bagagiolo from Working Wales, who guided her through exploring various jobs and academic courses.

Ms Bagagiolo was also a great help when it came to CV support, application strategies, and preparing for interviews.

Ms Martakie said: "Lara helped me understand exactly what I was looking for.

"After moving away and being away from everyone I knew, it was nice to have someone friendly to go to.

"Most of all, it gave me confidence."

This newfound confidence led her back into the workforce, securing a role at a community centre following a conversation in a local shop.

Speaking about her new role, she said: "I work on lots of different projects, and I feel recognised and valued.

"It is a charitable organisation, so I feel like I’m giving something back."

Ms Martakie stressed the importance of tailored support for those considering a return to work following significant life changes.

She said: "It's a big thing to change your circumstances and go back to work, whether that's after moving or having children or any other situations.

"Support from someone like Lara can be incredible and make all the difference."

Commenting on her work with Ms Martakie, Ms Bagagiolo said: "It was a pleasure to meet and support Kim.

"I was so glad to have been a friendly face, as well as helping her to gain clarity regarding her career goals.

"It’s fantastic to see her thriving in her new job.

"At Working Wales, we're committed to offering tailored support whatever your circumstances."

The achievements of Working Wales and the success story of Ms Martakie serve as a reminder that careers support is available to everyone, regardless of age, highlighted during National Careers Week between March 4-9.

Careers guidance and employability support like the kind offered by Working Wales are available for those aged 16 and over.

For more information about Working Wales and how to access careers support, call free on 0800 028 4844, or email workingwales@careerswales.gov.wales.