More rapid progress is needed on plans for the controversial Brynhir housing development in Tenby, members of Tenby Town Council agreed this week.

At their meeting on Tuesday, members were given a progress report from Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) which said that invitation to tender for potential contractors should be ready to go live sometime this month.

Also, decisions on reserved planning matters had still not yet been received from the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.


PCC consultants are working with the National Park and it is hoped that the application would be able to go to the Park’s planning committee for consideration soon.

The development is being carried out by Pembrokeshire County Council which, in 2018, 'bought' the 15-acre site from itself for £4million, using its Housing Revenue Account.

Outline planning permission was originally granted in 2020 for 144 properties, but it is now expected only 125 homes will be built, with just under 90 being affordable.

Updated outline plans have been submitted to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.


While welcoming the update, town councillors were concerned about the timetable of the development.

They agreed to write to Cllr. Jon Harvey, PCC’s cabinet member for planning and housing delivery, requesting ‘rapid progress’ through the final stages to see the development completed before the end of the council cycle (the 2027 election).

They also reminded Cllr. Harvey that the town council had been promised an input on the local lettings policy for the social housing within the development which they hoped would also be extended to include the re-letting of local council properties vacated by tenants moving to Brynhir.