If you need and use personal care and cleaning products, it’s likely that someone else will need and use them too.

But not everyone can afford the products to keep themselves and their homes clean, which is where The Hygiene Bank can help.

The national charity is being supported in Tenby, with Tenby Hygiene Bank collection points expanding in the town.

Western Telegraph: Look out for the drop-off points in the town.Look out for the drop-off points in the town. (Image: Tenby Hygiene Bank)

The donations will be distributed locally.

After being collected by volunteers, they will be taken to the Old Chapel for Patch or them to give to people who need them.

'Hygiene poverty can be humiliating'

Tenby’s Community Engagement Officer, Anne Draper, said: "Many people locked in poverty or those who find themselves in times of crisis often experience restricted options. This leaves them caught between being able to heat their home, pay their rent, buy food or keep clean.

"Hygiene poverty can be shaming, humiliating, and excluding and can result in social isolation."

Anne explained that The Hygiene Bank is a national charity who believe it is not right that feeling clean should be a luxury or a privilege for anyone in our society.

The charity's network of projects exists to give people access to the basics they need.

What to donate - and where

Anne added: "Tenby Hygiene Bank collects new, unused, in-date personal care and household cleaning essentials - including deodorant, shower gel, shampoo, make-up, nappies, toilet roll, laundry detergent and surface cleaner.

"If you need them and use them, then it is likely someone else needs and uses them too.

"Items can be dropped off at Boots in High St, Tenby Post Office, the Seafront Pharmacy or the Glen Pharmacy – thank you to these businesses for agreeing to be collection points."