A Blaenwaun resident is concerned that excessive speeding in the village "will kill somebody" if left unpunished.

The speed limit in Blaenwaun has been reduced from 40mph to 20mph but the new signs were removed, with motorists continuing to drive well above the speed limit.

Despite reporting the signage removal to Carmarthenshire County Council more than seven weeks ago, Alexander Hammond says the signs were only replaced last Thursday (May 9).

Western Telegraph: Alexander Hammond claims that cars are overtaking each other at more than 60 mph.Alexander Hammond claims that cars are overtaking each other at more than 60 mph. (Image: Alexander Hammond)He said: “The speeding in this village will kill somebody one day and not just the pets we have lost on this road. I have nearly been run over by cars many times whilst walking the dog.

“My son has to catch the bus to go to school and has reported incidents where cars have nearly hit him. There are cars overtaking people at way more than 60 mph.

“One time a person lost control and hit a pillar so hard that the whole left wheel was ripped off the car. During the summer months when we have the window open it sounds like a Grand Prix circuit.”

Western Telegraph: Mr Hammond describes the village sounding like a 'Grand Prix circuit' in the summer. Mr Hammond describes the village sounding like a 'Grand Prix circuit' in the summer. (Image: Alexander Hammond)Mr Hammond has also reported the problem to GoSafe, yet the speeding problem remains in Blaenwaun.

He added: “I have written on many occasions to GoSafe, and they informed me that they have done surveys of the village. They see there is speeding in the village, but do not take action. 

“A policeman happened to be here for ten minutes, and he was amazed at how fast the cars were going. He even waved a car to slow down.

“I have been in touch with a really helpful lady called Jean Lewis and she took the problem on and got the speed limit for Blaenwaun, and roads approaching Blaenwaun, reduced.”

Western Telegraph: Carmarthenshire County Council replaced the missing speed limit signs after it was reported by Mr Hammond more than seven weeks ago.Carmarthenshire County Council replaced the missing speed limit signs after it was reported by Mr Hammond more than seven weeks ago. (Image: Alexander Hammond)

GoSafe has responded to Mr Hammond's claims with the following statement.

A spokesperson said: "We’ve been working with the community in Blaenwaun after concerns were raised for speeding.

"Multiple speed surveys have been completed alongside analysis of the collision history. We are currently in the process of establishing an enforcement site in the area."

Carmarthenshire Council has also responded to the reports of vandalism and speeding.

Councillor Edward Thomas, the council's cabinet member for transport, waste and infrastructure services, said: 

“This serious act of vandalism is not only illegal but presents a significant risk to life.

“The illegal removal of these signs is dangerous and irresponsible to road users, but also replacing these signs will come at a significant cost to the local authority – placing more strain on the public purse. 

“I would urge anybody who has any information about the removal of these signs to report it to the police immediately. 

“The role of enforcing the existing speed limit rests with the Police and GoSafe and communities can report speeding concerns directly through the GoSafe website at https://www.gosafe.org/report/community-concern."