A local swimming pool that could not be refilled after renovation work has finally reopened to the public today (Monday, May 13) thanks to a fire hydrant and water tankers.

Newcastle Emlyn Community Pool, based in the Emlyn School Campus, was closed at the end of March for a new lining to be installed.

The work was completed on April 29 and the group that runs the pool was looking forward to filling the pool and reopening.

However, the community run pool was refilling very slowly as not enough water was coming through the taps.

The pool’s management committee appealed for help and ideas to fill it, asking if local farmers or anyone else might be able to get water to them to fill the72,000 gallon facility.

Western Telegraph: The pool is now open having been refilled with water tankers and a fire hydrant.

The 25m by 8.4m pool hosts a number of aquatic activities including fun swims, large inflatable sessions, adult and junior lessons- both one to one and in groups, a sub aqua club, kayak club and public swimming sessions.

Emlyn Flyers Swimming club for competitive swimmers also trains there.

The pool was also expecting increased demand on reopening, especially for swimming lessons, due to nearby Cardigan Memorial Pool closing at the end of March.

Welsh Water sent several 18,000 litre tanker to the pool and eventually helped the committee connect to a hydrant near to the pool.

"While there were no issues with our supply to the Newcastle Emlyn Community Pool, we were only too happy to provide support to refill the pool," said a Welsh Water spokesperson.

"Our help involved us using one of our water tankers and using a nearby fire hydrant so that the pool could be refilled quickly and re-opened for the local community to enjoy."

Western Telegraph: The pool is now open having been refilled with water tankers and a fire hydrant.

The pool was filled overnight on Friday. The water has now been treated and the pool is due to open, and swimming lessons to restart, today.

“Thank you very much Dwr Cymru Welsh Water for the tankers and for connecting a pipe to the hydrant overnight for us. Your team has been amazing and super helpful,” said the pool’s management team.

“We have a new timetable with some new swim sessions. We can’t wait to reopen and welcome you all back. Thank you once again for your patience.”