The leader of a shoplifting gang who took more than £1,800 worth of items from a Pembrokeshire Boots store has been sent to prison.

Raj Domnu of Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe stole items worth £1,819 from Boots in Pembroke Dock on April 13 this year.

He appeared at Haverfordwest Magistrates Court days later and admitted the offence.

Sentencing Domnu, 27, magistrates said that they had to hand down a prison sentence as the offence was so serious.

Domnu took a leading role as part of a group of shoplifters, as evidenced by CCTV. The crime also involved a degree of planning to target high value items.

They gave Domnu a 13 week prison sentence.

Domnu was also ordered to pay £1819.53 compensation as well as £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

He has until July 1 to pay the full sum.