A MAN has been charged with assaulting, strangling and controlling his partner and trying to get her to withdraw her statement to the police.

Liam Brian, 30, of Owen Street in Pennar, appeared at Swansea Crown Court charged with four offences.

Brian was alleged to have assaulted and strangled a woman in Merlin’s Bridge on August 11 last year.

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He was also charged with engaging in controlling or coercive behaviour against her between January 2023 and January this year.

It was alleged that he prevented her from seeing family members, stopped her from having a bank card or house keys, prevented her from showering before work, decided what clothes she could wear, controlled her contact with male colleagues, as well as assaulting and strangling her.

He also faced a charge of committing an act with the intent of perverting the course of public justice. It was alleged that he pressured the same complainant to attempt to get her to withdraw her witness statement on January 24.

On his previous appearance in court on April 29, Brian pleaded not guilty to each offence.

The judge on that occasion had adjourned the case as the charges had uploaded late meaning defence counsel Dean Pulling had not been able to have a full conference with Brian to offer him advice.

Brian returned to court on May 17, where Mr Pulling confirmed that the defendant’s not guilty pleas remained in place.

A trial date was set for September 3, and Brian was remanded back in to custody.