The poor condition of a prominent Tenby hotel has led to an Urgent Works Notice being served on it by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.

Safety concerns have been raised in recent months by councillors and members of the public over the Royal Lion Hotel, overlooking the North Beach.

A Listed Building planning application to reinstate the hotel windows has now been submitted to the authority.

Urgent Works Notice

A spokesperson for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority said: “The Park Authority has served an Urgent Works Notice on the Royal Lion Hotel in Tenby.

"The owners acknowledge the risk posed by the windows and have proposed an alternative scheme to begin remedial works, having recently submitted a listed building application to reinstate the windows to the High Street and White Lion Street frontages.

“The application ref is NP/24/0208 and is still out to public consultation until Thursday 30 May 2024.”

Western Telegraph: The Listed Building hotel stands at the junction of White Lion Street and High Street.The Listed Building hotel stands at the junction of White Lion Street and High Street. (Image: Google Street View)

An Urgent Works Notice can be served by an authority which believes that a building is not being properly maintained. It gives the owner a specific time in which to carry out necessary works.

What does the application cover?

The plan for the hotel seeks consent for replacement bays and windows, insertion of a new door replacing an existing window, and minor ancillary works.

It has been submitted by South Terrace Developments Ltd, Penhoyle Manor, Trefloyne Lane, Penally via agent Jon Hurley of Asbri Planning, Cardiff.

Th application is currently scheduled to be determined by a planning officer without going before committee.

Door concern

 As a consultee to the proposal, Tenby Town Council’s members are now seeking more information as to the materials to be used for the replacement windows.

They are also concerned about the proposal to install a door opening on to White Lion Street.

It has been pointed out: "The carriageway is narrow in this location and vehicles often mount the pavement to pass each other which could compromise safety of individuals using this door."

 Tenby Civic Society has commented: "If cost is a major issue, perhaps the most urgent replacements should be phased first, as there clearly are some safety concerns.

"Maintenance costs have clearly stood out as an issue with this valuable building, important for its attractive period design and valuable role providing holiday accommodation.

"Less important and prominent listed buildings have recently been fitted with replacement wooden sash windows."