There will be some fun events taking place across Cadw's west Wales landmarks this half term.

Laugharne Castle is set to host a majestic birds of prey event, with falcons and eagles dazzling visitors in flying displays.

This enlightening spectacle is set for Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26. The castle is open between 11am and 4pm, with the flying displays at midday and 3pm.

Visitors will get the chance to witness these majestic creatures in a splendid setting, providing an exciting day out for all.

Furthermore, at St Davids Bishop’s Palace, people can immerse themselves in history and music.

On Wednesday, May 29 and Thursday, May 30, between 10am and 4.30pm, Minstrel Tom will ply visitors with enchanting medieval music.

Concurrently, the Wise Woman will educate visitors about the various traditional uses of herbs, promising an edifying venture into history and nature as she explains the ancient remedies and culinary delights that would have been made.

Cadw is responsible for these attention-grabbing events.

Besides offering a variety of activities for families, Cadw memberships also provide free event entry and unlimited access to more than 130 historical places across Wales.

To join Cadw or seek information about the complete event schedule and admission details, visit the Cadw website.

With more than 1,000 reasons to become a Cadw member and 130 historical places to visit, celebrating Wales' cultural past promises to be a present full of adventures.