Dear Editor

I have waited with baited breath to see what will emerge at Castle Square in Haverfordwest in terms of street furniture and features, and to my disappointment there has been hardly anything.

I understand Castle Square has been kept open so that the authorities can have a clear view, unhindered by flower beds, trees, or fountains. Is this yet again the authorities giving in to the minority of louts who cause trouble on a Saturday night after consuming large amounts of alcohol?

Why should upright citizens have to do without facilities, for fear of the minority louts abusing them? The Castle Square should not be a large boring open space, but have some added features to enhance it. The few seats are heavily used, at all times of the day, so let’s have some more.

I wonder what ideas readers have, it certainly looks like the powers that be could use some.

Leighton T. Wharrad 63 Slade Lane, Haverfordwest.