So, Street Fighter 4 is finally released.

I was a big fan of Street Fighter 2 on the S.N.E.S. which I think was released around 1992. Certainly I have a strong memory of sitting what may have been a 'mock' English 'A' Level examination after walking into Haverfordwest to buy the game for more than a full price new release cost's today. Around £60 I think. That's right kids, games have actually reduced in price over the years.

I'm not going to buy Street Fighter 4 because my reaction times have suffered the depredations of advancing age to the extent that were somebody to throw the game disc at me very slowly while I stood six feet in front of them it would probably hit me in the face before I had a chance to catch it. The prospect, therefore, of online humiliation is not an enticing one.

Having said that I'd be interested to know what you think of the game. It seems to be reviewing very well. My P.S. friends list is full of people playing it. The aforementioned S.N.E.S. version of S.F.2 is still Capcom's biggest selling game, seventeen years later.

Stop practicing your Haduken's and let me know what you think of the game.

P.S. I'll be posting my initial impressions of Killzone 2 tomorrow but more importantly I'd like to hear yours!