I lost interest in Grand Theft Auto 4 in about as long as it takes to watch Scarface or Goodfellas. It's a pattern for me with the series since its first outing on the P.S.2. I spend ages prior to release of the latest iteration telling myself I'm not going to buy it. Then I buy it. Play it for a few hours. Get annoyed by the mission structure and then leave it. And don't go back. The addition of online multiplayer content hasn't changed things for me this time around. I found the online modes good in theory but frustratingly lightweight to play with nothing their to pull me back.

If, however, you're a big fan you'll likely have rinsed the game for all it's worth (including killing all of those pigeons) and while I write this will have already downloaded the 360 exclusive content 'The Lost and the Damned' which appears to be reviewing very well. The content costs 1600 Microsoft points, roughly equivalent to £14. The content appears to be extensive, focusing on Johnny, a member of a notorious Liberty City biker gang, it even features new music tracks and multiplayer modes, that's in addition to the new story content.

I think it sounds great, and could be a real step forward for downloadable content. Of course, there are a multiplicity of issues bound up with the future of downloadable content and its popularity, not the least of which are broadband speeds across the U.K. It would be interesting to know if both High street and online retailers are starting to get nervous about the prospect of console owners bypassing them entirely and downloading their games straight to their hard drives.

So, what do you think of the new G.T.A. content? Did you watch all three Godfather films while you waited for it to download? What's the future of downloadable content? Sign in and let me know what you think.