Last year Steven Spielberg collaborated with E.A. and made Boom Blox for the Wii. Reviews were generally positive and it's been successful enough to warrant a sequel.

For around two years there has been talk of Peter Jackson nurturing a hush-hush Halo related project, a project which has been described as an 'interactive entertainment.' This expression will strike fear into the hearts of gamers old enough to remember the 'interactive entertainments' of the middle nineties. Go to You Tube, search for 'Ground Zero Texas.' Watch. Shudder. Watch. Shudder some more.

The relationship between films and games has, in simplistic terms, been a circular one. The cinematic influences for games like Resident Evil were clear and now the franchise has gone on to inspire four films of its own, all of which have met with moderate success.

I'd like to see David Lynch make a game. If he employed the same alienation techniques that he used in his films it'd be terrifying to play and I'd imagine you'd feel far more wrong-footed while playing it than when playing any of the Silent Hill games. What about you? Which directors would you like to see make a game? What kind of game? Sign in and let me know.