Pembroke Dock’s new specialist residential centre, Martello House, is hosting a three-day event to raise awareness of autism.

The United Nations recently declared April 2nd 2009 as World Autism Awareness Day, and Martello House, which provides local support for adults with autism and other complex needs, is looking to raise awareness in the community.

Workshops are being held at Martello House, Fort Road, tomorrow, April 1st, from 1pm until 4pm for parents, carers, professionals and anyone with an interest.

Manager Robert Thomas said: “At the moment we have about nine local staff. There are eight studio rooms, all en-suite, and four kitchens.”

“There are many different types of autism. We want people with autism to be equal citizens living independently,” he added.

On April 2nd, there will be an all-day event from 11am to 6pm (with videos, leaflets and refreshments) followed by a third workshop from 6pm to 8pm, all free of charge.

To book a place call 01646 621105 (extension 219), or e-mail martellohouse.