It's been a while since my last post, which I won't dwell on, because as dedicated gamers know, time is short, and besides that, I'm to busy playing Final Fantasy 13.

When the first game in the series was released twenty years ago, it was released by a company about to fold, hence the name, and here we are, twelve games and 85 million copies sold later..I won't mention the dodgy film, released ten years ago..

Much like Final Fantasy 10, F.F. 13, for its first half at least, is linear. Stop the game and look at the map and all you will see is a straight line. And another straight line. And then another...

After about 25 hours, however, the game opens up, and the contrast could not be bigger.

Player agency is also an issue. Micro-management of your party is gone, but party composition is managed via the nifty Paradigm system. As the player you directly control one character only, if they die, it's game over.

The visuals. Crikey, the visuals! Like no other released so far, this feels like a true next generation game. Any veteran of this game series will be used to the fight / cutscene structure of the games and in this one things aren't really any different but your jaw will repeatedly hit the floor as again and again Square Enix show us what the Playstation 3 is truly capable of.

Anyway, more gaming for me, if you've played it, let me know what you think.