DEAR EDITOR, - Reference recent comments made by St Davids city councillor Jim Braby and your report (June 15th) headlined 'Call for councillor's resignation'.

I am St Davids born and St Davids bred, 66 years old - old enough to know a goody from a baddy. Having lived in this community almost all my life, and experienced racism in South Africa, I know that Mr Braby's remarks were a mistake and unnecessary.

He has been man enough to apologise for his mistakes and offered his resignation to the city council.

His resignation was refused - the city councillors are experienced people and they know a good councillor when they see one. They did not wish to lose a good man, even though he made a mistake.

Have not Mr H. Falconer, Mrs Dixon and Mr Steve Cousens ever said anything they have regretted saying during their life? I have.

A humble apology and the offer of a resignation is not always an easy thing to make in public life, but Mr Braby has made this apology and his resignation was refused.

Perhaps the city fathers know, as I do, the good side of Jim Braby. Just for the sake of information, Jim Braby has been responsible for many, many years for running the St Davids City Football Club, singlehanded and at his own expense.

Jim Braby has been responsible for starting the St Davids Penknife Club, which has raised thousands of pounds for local charities and is continuing to do so.

There are many sides to a man - Jim Braby's best side is so much bigger than the side you see written in a few words in the press.

I hope he continues to carry on with the good work he does for the community

JEFF DAVIES 112 Nun Street, St Davids.