DEAR EDITOR, - Chief Constable Terence Grange stated on Radio Pembrokeshire on Tuesday, June 7th, that those opposed to the Tetra communication mast on Haverfordwest police station will regularly take their mobile phones out of their pockets and that 'nothing is absolutely harmless'.

He also 'blames' the council by saying that if the Uzmaston site had not been turned down, there would have been no problem.

Mr Grange is making the classic mistake of likening mobile phone masts to Tetra masts. Mobile phone masts do not pulse and although Airwave states that the Tetra mast also does not 'pulse', it's a matter of semantics.

As individuals we all have the personal choice as to whether we hold a mobile phone to our heads or not, and many people choose not to. What choice have we been given about living, working and sleeping in an electromagnetic field, which is considerably more powerful than any mobile phone mast?

I also wonder if there is a cumulative effect at Haverfordwest police station by having a Tetra communication mast sited so close to an Orange mobile phone mast.

PHENIAH PATTERSON 25 Dew Street, Haverfordwest.