A David and Goliath battle between a Haverfordwest residents' organisation and one of Europe's biggest residential property moguls is in prospect as the Dale Road Residents' Co Ltd prepares to oppose house building on their green spaces.

Annington Homes, which bought ex-Mod houses both at Dale Road and Trafalgar Road, and sold them to private home-buyers after renovation, have angered Dale Road residents by proposing the construction of 21 new houses and 40 carparking spaces on green spaces currently used for recreational purposes.

"This development is being bulldozed through by a company we find it impossible to contact to make our views known," said residents' spokesman Leo Rubenstein of Delapoer Drive.

"An attempt to get it passed by delegated powers was rejected after we enlisted the help of Councillor David Bryan and we now want to make sure the central strip of green and the children's play area are not swallowed up by houses."

Mr Rubenstein, an architect, said building some houses to close the ends of the strip made sense, but residents wanted Annington to leave recreational space. The Residents Co have invited Annington's Lincolnshire-based builders Mitie Scotgate, local MP Stephen Crabb, local councillors and the fire brigade (concerned about access) to their agm at the community hall at Furzy Park at 8pm on Saturday.

They will discuss the proposed development and press for the retention of green space and children's play facilities.

Guy Hands, a former banker with Japanese firm Nomura, has recently agreed a £4.8 billion deal to buy 150,000 ex-WD flats in Germany - Europe's biggest residential property deal.

The deal has been struck by Deutsche Annington Immobilien Gruppe, a German housing business owned by Terra Firma, Mr Hand's private equity firm.

His portfolio comprises 138,000 apartments and houses and 24,000 garages in the Ruhr, Munich, Berlin, Dsseldorf and Frankfurt. His London and Northampton-based company also owns thousands of ex-MoD properties throughout the UK.