DEAR EDITOR, - As a member of the Pembrokeshire LVA, I write to express the concern of the members and, hopefully, start some kind of discussion with the customers we try to provide a service to.

The concern is in regard to the proposals of the Welsh Assembly to ban smoking in all areas of public houses, without any discussion or dialogue with the trade - the consequence of which could be disastrous to Pembrokeshire. Just take a look across the water to Southern Ireland - a loss of almost 25% of jobs in the industry.

As a body, we try to look after all customers and staff. Therefore, a compromise has to be found. At present, we follow a voluntary code, No Smoking In Eating Areas and Extraction In Other Areas.

The majority of members feel the way forward would be: 1. No smoking In eating areas. 2. No smoking at the bar (to protect bar staff from passive smoking). 3. Where space permits, provide a non-smoking bar and a smoking bar. The comments of your readers would be most appreciated.

NEVILLE LEWIS 28 Main Street, Llangwm.