Dear Editor - Whether most of the residents in Pembroke Dock are aware of it or not, a great deal is happening in and around Pembroke Dock.

How many people who read the article 'Jewel in the Crown of the Dockyard', referring to Sunderland House, would recognise its underlying significance? It appears the county council could be following a pattern designed to strip ownership of the major buildings in the dock from the public and place them in the hands of a single landlord who will soon have a virtual monopoly of land within the Haven. How many people are aware that many of the buildings that have recently been refurbished and upgraded in the Dockyard, with heritage funding (public funds) have been sold off or are in the process of being sold? How many people are aware that there have been proposals put forward that would keep these historic buildings out of private ownership, but the county council has turned them down, without any discussion with the people of Pembroke Dock or the county as a whole? These were proposals that could significantly enhance the profile of Pembroke Dock, making it an area attractive to visitors and bring employment back into one of the most deprived parts of the county. If people are concerned about what is happening in Pembroke Dock and in Pembrokeshire as a whole, then they can make their views known either through Pembroke Dock Civic Society or similar organisations within their local area. Perhaps this would help keep Pembrokeshire out of the hands of property developers and landowners, who have little or no interest in the well-being of the population and the heritage of the county.

KEITH BLACKBURN Secretary, Pembroke Dock Civic Society 13 Buttermilk Close, Pembroke.