Rural affairs minister Elin Jones has held a meeting with sheep industry representatives on the introduction of electronic identification (EID) for sheep and goats to hear the industry’s views and discuss how to implement it effectively.

The mini-summit was held to clarify the position on EID in Wales, the UK and Europe; and consider how the industry and government can work together on a way forward.

Elin Jones said: “My view on EID is well documented. As I told the Welsh Assembly yesterday I do not agree with EID, but we have to implement it and as a result we need to ensure it is done effectively.

“The purpose of the mini-summit is to see how we can work together to implement this regulation, and the industry’s support is needed for this.”

The UK has pressed the EC on the issue and gained some concessions for farmers.

However, Elin Jones said there is little general support in the EU for a review of the regulation.

She added: “From December 31st, 2009, the European Council fully expects the UK to implement the EID regulation. Failure to do so could lead to infraction proceedings, which in turn could lead to significant daily fines, a reduction in European funding, or trade restrictions.

“It is vital that we work closely with the industry to ensure that we put in place a practical system that complies with the regulation, and I am seeking their co-operation in taking this forward.”