Trefloyne Golf Club have used their course to pay tribute to the NHS - and have also made a generous gesture to all its workers.

All courses remain shut due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but when Trefloyne re-opens for business it will do so with a special offer - free membership to any golfers working in the NHS.

The membership will be valid for 12 months, and for NHS workers who don’t yet play the game or are still learning, coaching will be arranged.

"This applies to anyone working in the NHS," read a club statement.

"Just turn up with he relevant ID and you’re in without any formal application procedure. We’ll be proud to have you."

And the goodwill doesn't end there. Matt Whittock, Trefloyne’s Head Greenkeeper, has been working hard to make sure the course is in great condition when the lockdown ends.

And he wanted to pay his own tribute via some creative mowing on the 15th hole - with the letters NHS now very much apparent on the fairway.

The club are now debating which local rule to apply to the letters when play resumes on the course. Ideas so far include the chance of a mulligan if you land on the letters.

Any NHS workers interested, or anyone who wants to find out more about membership at Trefloyne, can ring Ryan at the Trefloyne pro-shop on 01834 845639, or e-mail