Tenby Sailing Club had another mixed week, with dinghy racing going ahead, but another cancellation to the cruiser racing.

On May 18, ideal conditions led to close-fought dinghy races with just over a minute separating the top five boats in the first race.

Results saw Dave Griffiths and Maurice Clarke's Osprey 1365, Carpé Diem, seize victory, followed by Peter Rose and Igor Otahal's Scorpion 1995.

In the second race, the Osprey 1360 came in first, followed by Osprey 1365 in second.

The lack of wind caused another cruiser racing cancellation, which is now hoped to start on May 31, 12 noon.

The clubhouse quiz, held on May 18, saw team "High Tide" triumph by one point over team "Twp". The new quizzes will begin on September 28.

Max and Harri Richards also reported good attendance at the safety training day.