A PEMBROKESHIRE charity has created a handy tool for the county’s cancer patients and their families.

Withybush Hospital Cancer Day Unit Appeal trustee Bernie George came up with the idea to bring as much information as possible to the hands of Pembrokeshire residents.

So Knowledge and Information for Pembrokeshire Patients was set up with the website www.kipp.tips which will allow cancer patients, their relatives and friends to access the information they need when faced with a cancer diagnosis.


Mr Jones said: “Our charity’s links with the clinical team at the cancer day unit at Withybush and our own experience of having a family member needing to go through treatment highlighted for me the importance of accessible information when you most need it.

“I decided to try to find out what was out there to help all kinds of cancer situations and create something which would signpost people to the help and support which exists.

“The Kipp Tips website, funded by our charity, includes practical help from our charity, links to advice on coping with a cancer diagnosis, dealing with money issues, help with the cost of travel to treatments and not forgetting the local organisations which can provide vital emotional support to help get you through.”

To find out more, visit www.kipp.tips