A man has appeared in court to deny sexually touching a child.

Gary Blount, 44, of Cwmfelin Boeth, Whitland, appeared at Haverfordwest Magistrates Court on Tuesday, February 14.

He was charged with two counts of intentionally sexually touching a girl under 13.

The offences are alleged to have happened between 2014 and 2016 when the child was still of primary school age.


Blount entered not guilty pleas and magistrates sent the case to Swansea Crown Court for trial.

Blount was released on conditional bail until his first appearance at Swansea Crown Court on March 17.

The conditions of his bail are that he does not contact directly or indirectly any of the witnesses in the case, that he does not have unsupervised contact with a child under the age of 18 and that he lives and sleeps each night at the Whitland address.


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