In a bid to attract crows and transform the image of the scarecrow an exhibition of gathercrows has been organised.

Schoolchildren have been busy making the gathercrows for this weekend's event at Nant y Coy Arts in Treffgarne, Haverfordwest, where they will be displayed and a winner will be announced.

Amanda Miles from Nant y Coy Arts said: "Why should we scare off these beautiful, intelligent birds? Here at Nant y Coy we look at things differently. Traditionally the scarecrow was a bird scarer often seen as a solitary, ghostly figure stuck out in the middle of a field, dressed any which way. We want to transform this ugly duckling of a scarecrow into something beautiful to attract the birds and wildlife. So we have come up with the idea of a gathercrow."

She said she was looking for more gathercrow entries for the event as well as original stories to go with them.

It is hoped the gathercrows will help attract birds and wildlife to Nant y Coy.

All the proceeds from entry to the event will be donated to local wildlife charities. For further details call 01437 741671.

The event is running from Friday until Monday, April 9th, between 10.30am and 6pm.