I WOULD like to respond to some of the comments contained in your report last week of a meeting Stephen Crabb MP attended at the Duke of Edinburgh pub in Newgale.

The message of ‘managed realignment’ for Newgale is not new nor ‘loose talk’ – it is something that was contained in the first Shoreline Management Plan produced nationwide in the early 2000s.

For Newgale, the same policy statement is in the current (second) version of the Plan which has just been adopted.

The Shoreline Management Plans were themselves the subject of extensive public consultation so there is some surprise that there is talk of “uncertainty” in this context.

Notwithstanding, the County Council took the positive step of starting to examine in more detail the vulnerability of the shingle bank at Newgale.

This is a proactive measure following the storms of 2014, and also directly in response to public concerns expressed at the time.

The Authority also took the step of bringing the vulnerability report to the attention of the public at this very early stage, precisely so as to engage with, and seek views, as early as possible.

This first step is intended as a very open consultation, and does not consult on a firm action plan. It is intended to give the public opportunity to provide feedback, in order to use this to either shape further study work, or to address specific concerns.

Consultation has been framed in the perspective that, given the impact of climate change and the natural coastal processes, it will be increasingly difficult to sustain the management of the storm/shingle bank in its current form.

The impact on transport links has also been discussed.

We welcome all feedback, and would be pleased to meet further with Mr Crabb to discuss any concerns and put right any misconceptions about the shoreline policy, and the current consultation work.


Cabinet Member for Transportation