Following in the footsteps of Fred, or Ginger?

Recently, whilst reading a book titled ‘Women at the Top’, one sentence seemed to jump off the page and tap me right on the cha cha.

‘Ginger Rogers…did everything Fred Astaire did…backwards and in high heels’.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t subscribe to hard- core feminism, but I do believe that if you don’t value or appreciate your own worth, it may, quite possibly, go unnoticed.

Not that I believe in daily trumpeting from the parapets either – especially if you have nothing useful to say.

For me, confidence is not necessarily a loud voice – sometimes it’s more like a quiet conviction, that still small voice of calm inside your head.

That’s where I’m coming from…and what I’m trying to say here is that, I think we can choose to see the Fred and Ginger scenario from the perspective of unfairness – as in she did half the work and he got all the glory.

Or, we can appreciate the superb skills demonstrated by both and realise that the resulting performance was a necessary mix of the two. Neither could have achieved anything without the other.

I guess the point is that as long as you are able to happy to be playing your part, then the ‘show’ will always go on.

The steps we take are all within our control, and to that end we can place ourselves in the shoes of the leader, or the follower, as and when we so choose.