A quick blog, to talk about New Moon - the film, and the real thing! The film was released on DVD last Monday, and is fantastic, all my children adore it. It contains something for everyone, I think. I cannot wait for the next film in the Twilight series to be shown in cinemas in July. As for the real New Moon, this month it is this Monday, 29 March. It is always an important time of the month, and the moons full energy heightens all emotions and actions. Associated with werewolves and the like, it is such a powerful energy, after all, it controls the tides, and whilst it may not actually turn people into werewolves, it nevertheless has a profound affect on us humans, particularly women. The moons energy is feminine, and affects fluids, i.e. water (hence the sea). Since we are made up of mainly water, it is not difficult to see why the moon affects us so much. Common problems are restless sleep, heightened emotions – from being more sensitive, to being hysterical! Also, for a woman, if her monthly cycle falls at this time it can be more extreme – emotionally and physically. It has also been reported to strongly affect the residents of mental health institutions, with more disruptive behaviour and incidents happening when there is a full moon. You can use this amazing energy to your advantage, and one way, which is important to me, is to cleanse and charge your crystals. Place any crystals you have either outside, in a safe place, or on a windowsill, to bathe in the full moonlight. Leave them there all night, even if they are not in direct moonlight, the moons energy will still be absorbed. A full moon indicates fruition, and is a time to sit down and reflect on what is working in your life, and what isn’t. The next two weeks of the waning moon are a time to get rid – clear out, physically in your home, and emotionally, anything that is not working for you. This is the best time to do this!

Moonstone, a beautiful crystal, benefits particularly from absorbing the full moonlight, and will help balance your feminine energy, but, don’t wear it all the time, otherwise the powerful energy may make you restless.

Don’t forget the clocks ‘spring forward’ tomorrow, by one hour. Another step closer to spring and better weather, hopefully! My clients are still reporting severe tiredness and lack of energy as a problem, this is connected to the time of year, and will start to improve in the next few weeks.